Jan '25: US Missions
Trinity Missions – Prayer for US MISSIONS
This month’s prayer focus is the US Region, including Canada and our Local Missions.
Today’s region for prayer is the United States, Canada, and Local Region. This region includes the inner city, the rural areas, the addicts, the homeless, the beaten and abandoned, and the lost. In other words, this includes our neighbors, friends, towns, and cities.
Please watch the video and then read and pray through the report. Take some time to consider and pray for our neighbors and the missionaries (the heroes) who reach out, serving and loving.
Video | From the Heart of a Missionary
The video gives you a great overview of US Missions. The report (created by our Regional Directors) includes the praises and prayer requests from missionaries in our country.
Thank you!
Kristie Totten is the Regional Director for the US/CA/Local region. Many thanks to Kristie for compiling the report and her dedication to the team.
Want to learn more about the Trinity Missions Board or how you can get involved? Please contact the office or a member of the team.
Assemblies of God World Missions: www.agwm.org
US Missions: www.usmissions.ag.org